Saturday, July 8, 2017


Who does not like nachos !! May be some people do not know what nachos is ... Very tasty to eat anytime of the day. But I had a lot of fun with this chips for the first time. M y mates from India started yelling me what the hell is this snack. 

When i bought this for the first time, i did not know that it is nachos. I thought it was some flavor of potato chips. But god, it was not a pleasant experience. 

I started moving around and found it in theaters and people just love it. With Nachos, they provide a sauce called cheese hot. Oh, yeah !! Now it tastes awesome. Guys, Nachos must be taken with a sauce. 

This nachos chips also called tortilla chips.

This is the sauce i was talking about. This is hot cheese Dip. 

Disclaimer : This is not the case. I wondered why it was called Hot Cheese

Enjoy this snack with only 2$ - 3$ (including sauce). This snack would come for 4 people or 4 days for 1 person. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Noodles!! this is life saver for many. Some eat noodles for all three courses. When it comes to noodles, it always Maggi for us. Yes, why think too much, its a must if you don't know cooking. But don't take too much noodles because noodles is less in weight but would consume lot of space in your luggage. So take only 6 pack noodles. Remember you cannot bring everything from your country. Take all items only in minimal quantity. You can always buy in the other country.

Noodles is definitely a meal that cannot be avoided on your first day because you wouldn't have the essentials on your first day.

Simple steps:

i. Boil water in a vessel.

ii. When it is hot, put noodles and add the masala.

iii. Let the water evaporate and noodles be juicy and not watery.

iv. You are ready with Noodles.


Dosa!! who doesn't like it? I just love it and find myself lost without it. How to prepare for dosa at a foreign country? When travelling to another country, expecting a setup like our home is quite impossible. For example, you'd not get a grinder. OfCourse, you shall buy if you are gonna stay for years. In the first few months, the preparation given in this post would help you to not miss dosa.

Here are the steps:

i. Take idly rice 1 kg and put it in water and dry it. Then take the dried rice to rice grinding shop and get it fine grinded and keep it dry. To take the fine grinded dry rice, go to a nearbuy small shop and ask for a empty choclate box and store the grinded rice inside it.

ii. Take Ulundu 0.25 kg and fine grinded in rice grinding shop and take it in some cover or follow the same as done for rice packing.

iii.  Rice packing would look like this.

Very Important: Rice must be always kept inside fridge. If not, you are inviting fungus.

It is ok to keep Ulundhu outside.

iv. Take a box from your home or if it would already be there in your residence at onsite, just ignore this step.

v. Take any cup or container for rice but use the container for ulundhu as well. Your mixing combination must be like 6:1. 6 Cups of rice powder with 1 cup of ulundhu powder.

vi. Add required salt to this combination and add limited water so that all powder has become like a thick paste.

vii. Keep this mix outside for atleast 8 hours. Then dosa mix ready is for getting cooked.

viii. Heat the pan before using the mix on pan.

ix. Dosa ready.

This 1 kg of fine grinded rice would come for one person for 1 month.

Getting Started

Greeting to the reader....

Ufff... Starting to onsite travel requires lot of preparation and this blog focuses mainly on the things we take before our travel which eases our stay at onshore and how we shall use them. Definitely would help first time travellers. I had searched over internet and it provides lots and lots of suggestion about the checklist. I am bit sick of sorting all those checklist and finalizing my checklist. I have made lot of experiences from my past travel and I am very eager to share with you. I am from India and my suggestions would help people travelling from India. 

Well, I am not gonna list out all the items you got to take here. Rather I would prefer to practically teach what things to take one by one in my coming posts and would explain how to effectively use them at a foreign destination. 

Food is the main concern for everyone and how we are gonna manage without our parents at a foreign country. Lot of food posts to follow. Stay tuned


Who does not like nachos !! May be some people do not know what nachos is ... Very tasty to eat anytime of the day. But I had a lot of fun w...